Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Favourite Type of Music!

I Like Music!

Simple statement, but it really is true not just for me but almost every member of the human population. Music is something that is so universal, so standardized that by just saying "I Like Music" you are officially involved with it. No matter where in the world you are, or whoever you talk to, there will always be one unanimous similarity our enjoyment for tunes. One distinguishable characteristic of music that differs from all other arts, sciences and mass media is is accessibility. In order to be a music fan all that is required is a genuine fondness for the melody, or in the more indie sense, noise being transmitted through your ears.

The problem with the way our society approaches the way we listen too music today is that we limit the art to genres. We are constantly breaking it down into obscure sub-genres that often confine the close-minded listeners. The reality is, that all these genres are one and the same. They may be slightly altered in one way or another, but in the end its all music and its all good!

Now i understand everyone has preferences, It's completely justifiable to listen to a song an just to like it, simple as that. But this does not mean that we should limit ourselves to a whole sub-genre just because we favors a certain sounds over others. There is a lot of incredible music out there and we are being unfair to our mind, body and senses by not experiencing as much of it as possible. The simple and most affective way to classify music is by these very standards; what our mind, body and senses enjoy the must. There for, within the art of music they really should be two genres, what we enjoy and what we simply do not.

I'm sure what I'm saying is not new to most people reading this. Frank Zappa notoriously ranted about the subject far more in depth and intellectually than I did. However, discussing the state of music is not my intended purpose for this site. This is merely the passionate position i stand on the art of music as a whole. I see it as an art that is worth fully exploring throughout our lives and that we must listen first then formulate our opinion.

This approach to music will be the very basis of my blog and will be reflected throughout my reviews and postings. This site will be my soapbox to the world to share whatever music i enjoy
without the barrier of "genres". I fill focus on music ranging from Punk to Jazz, Rap to Alternative and everything in between. Because just everyone else, I Like Music!

Join me next week and expect:
a list of my favorite records of 2007
comments on the Grammy's
Record Review: Smashing Pumpkins "Siamese Dream"

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